When you are a loan officer for a bank, a mortgage company or any financial institution that lends money, you must know how to effectively manage the entire loan origination process. No matter how much you have helped people in the past, your job is far from easy. You need to know how to deal with different types of people and situations. With this in mind, it pays to know how to put together a good loan officer software stack. The following are some key things you can take advantage of.
One of the most important things that make up a good loan origination software stack is a solid customer support system. Customers are the reason why banks exist, and the reason why they should be given great support. If you are able to provide good after-sales services, your customers will do repeat business with you over again. In fact, most companies that offer document management software also have customer support services in place.
Another key element of a good loan origination software stack is an effective pricing engine. Most of the top notch companies out there today have integrated a powerful pricing engine into their packages because it makes everything much easier for the end user. A good pricing engine allows the end user, the customer service representative and even the loan officers to easily enter pricing information into the software without having to deal with Excel spreadsheets.
For most loan officers, there is nothing easier than entering information into a complicated Excel spread sheet that contains thousands of cells and tens of thousands of formulas. On the other hand, using an effective pricing engine in a loan origination software program eliminates the need to use spreadsheets. All they have to do is enter the information and the auto dialer automatically dials into the right areas using an appropriate keyword set. The whole process from beginning to end can be completed in a matter of minutes instead of hours.
Another key feature that many of the top rated auto dialer programs have is the ability to deliver appointment reminders, online status reporting and online quotes. You can easily customize the messages that you want to get to customers and even create different groups so that customers can receive their own personal messages or notifications. For example, if you have a high volume of incoming calls during certain times of the week, you might want to send a different message to each group. With the web-based reporting tools, customers can also be provided with their own estimated time of arrival at the office as well as an easy to read visual representation of how long it will take them to reach your office. This helps to ensure a smoother process of getting your staff to your customers.
Overall, if you are serious about streamlining the way that you manage your loan origination software and your customer service department, I would highly recommend that you consider an auto dialer for your business. There are many different auto dialer services available, but there are only a handful of programs that will do everything that you need them to do. By taking the time to research and choose the right software program for your company, you can ensure that you are putting your best foot forward for both your customers and your bottom line. A quality auto dialer is a great investment that can help make sure that your customer service department remains customer friendly and on target with all of your business needs.