
Hey guys! Welcome to my blog where I talk about all things business, cryptocurrency, money, taxes, savings and stocks. Occasionally I'll throw in some more general topics but you can be sure to find something useful in here!
Teresa Holland
Site owner


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Who am I?

So who am I? I’m a 27 year old girl with an eye for business. I also part time model in my time so you could say I’m the beauty and the brains haha! 

Before we discuss my background I’ll be perfectly honest with you, I’ve had a privileged upbringing and was lucky to have financial backing to help me complete my studies and then make my way in the business world. I know a lot of people don’t have that kind of fortune so rather than me tell you how easy it was it’s only right that I’m clear up front.

My background

I grew up in a big family, my parents ran their own Accounting firm so money was never a problem. I was very lucky, I had access to education, had a wonderful family life and had their backing when I finished my studies (getting a masters degree in Business Finance). 

Once I had graduated I took a year off to travel the world, take in as many different cultures as possible and to open my eyes to what was really out there. I know they say that travel broadens your horizons but it does in both a metaphorical and literal sense. I met some wonderful people on my travels and still remain in touch with some to this day.

Why I created this site

I was earning great money working in the city for a large tech firm but I still felt something was missing and that was helping others. That’s where someone came up with the idea to write this blog and give back to people who may not have the same opportunities I had. Here’s a list of some of the topics I cover:

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